So, this bloggy stuff is really confusing, but hey, im from hawaii, i have to make the best of what i have. (grass huts, ukuleles, coconuts etc.)
I'm not even exactly sure if im friends with anyone on here. i could just be like one of those senseless old ladys ranting to herself.
Anyways, i figured i would summarize what has been going on with my life. yayyyyyyy
I'm taking six classes Algerbra 2 (rahhhhhh), AP language, Spanish 2, Chemistry, AP US History, and Newswriting. My gpa is 3.5 right now becasue im getting an F in math. evil. If i didnt have math id be getting a 4.0. Soooooo im hoping to be able to scrape a C becasue that will bring it up to about a 3.7 or 3.8.
Im in the process of applying for SOAR and im hoping ill get in. If not i dont know what im going to do with my life because i probably wont get into byu without it. hahahah If byu doesnt work out ill probably go to byui or byuh.
I'm also president of the envriomental club at schoool. its fun. Cross country season just finished and that is a huge relief. runnning 6 miles a day was not the most enjoyable thing ever.
im getting my permit this friday and drivers ed starts in january.
im hoping to get a job at foodland also as THE BEST BAGGER IN THE WORLD! ive always wanted to be a grocery bagger ever since i was a kid. its kind of odd.
so thats it in my life basically.
here are some random pictures too. hahah
so I will be the official FIRST commenter on your blog. You should update it more often so we can keep track of you...since that's probably the only way we'll ever know what's going on!!! We are so bad at keeping in touch! Tiff...girl, you have grown! Just in the year that we have gone you are like a...should I say it...LADY now!!! Seems like you are doing great with school (math sucks...I know, I hated it, too...but hang in there!) Oh, and I have officially added you to our blog so we'll be checking on you frequently to get the 411...oh, by the way, you add our info by going to your dashboard...I'll e-mail you to show you how to do it.
Hey Tiffany! You look so pretty in all your pictures! I am really excited you made a blog! SOAR is a blast! You'll have to let me know how your application is coming along.
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