hahahah. I finally got my license. I pretty much just wanted to get it before I turned eighteen so I didnt waste my life in drivers ed. This was my third time taking the retard thing. hahhahha The first time I failed cause she said I was too timid. The second time i failed cause i switched lanes across a solid white line or something.
I got the cool filipino guy this time and we pretty much just talked and laughed the entire time. So here is my license... and in case youre wondering why my hair is like that in the picture its casue i have a huge bruise/cut oh the side of my face that I didnt really want in the picture. you cant see it in this picture either cause my head is tilted. You guys dont wanna see it, its not that attractive.
It's kinda a funny story. Actually its like really funny. hahahahah. Saturday night at work. (oh yeah i work at the theatre... i dont know if you guys know that or not. haha) we were cleaning up and there were two bags of trash that needed to be taken out to the dumpster. I had the great idea of racing. me and my coworker travis raced. he was a little bit in front of me on the way back but he underestimated my superhuman speed and thought i was far behind so when he ran into the theatre he tried to close the door. i was right behind hi so basically i ran straight into the corner of the door. It knocked me flat on my butt. hahahah I was like oh crap my face hurts. matt, job, and don came out and were like dude your bleeding and i was like dangit. So i have a big diagonal bruise/cutish thing on my face and a massive bruise on my arm. i look like some abused woman or something. hahah So i try to cover it so the child protective services dont come to our house.