Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do people steal? >:(

MY PHONE GOT STOLEN. As well as all the money out of my wallet. And three other peoples wallets. ARGGGG I was working for the haunted lagoon at PCC and when me and this guy Helam got back he realized his wallet was gone, I checked my bag and my phone was gone. My wallet was still there but all the money was taken out. I guess thats the only upside to having a dirty and old wallet. Two other wallets were taken besides Helams. So basically i hope this person gets some narley karma and ther whole house gets stolen. haha but seriously. People are stupid.


sanaejames photography said...

lucky you don't have credit cards and stuff like that. . so you just lost cash right? And it shouldn't be hard to get the number for your four friends again right? ahahaha. jus kidding


gusgus said...

ehhhhh chaat up!
yeah it was only like four dollars but i was still mad because it was MY four dollars. hahahahah
yeah i felt bad for my three other friends cause their whole wallets got stolen and theyre in college so they have more stuff in their wallets.