Monday, March 29, 2010

Youth Conference

Youth Conference was pretty much the bomb this year. I was on the planning committee so I was super hoping everything would turn out. It was the biggest Youth Conference I've ever seen. It was the Laie stake, the Laie North stake, and one of the BYUH stakes. There were over 600 kids there it was awesome.

We camped at cricket field a night and it was so fun. The security was crazy. hahah guys on one side of the field girls on the other with over 75 security guys and bright lights everywhere. hahaha. We brought a fire truck to spray all the kids since we knew it'd be super hot and that was so unbelievably fun. It was supposed to be "cleansing" but everyone ended up wrestling in the mud. All the activities, workshops and everything all just worked out, it was great. The testimony meeting was amazing. So many people went up it lasted over two and a half hours and nobody minded we all wanted it to last longer.

Youth Conference has always been something I've looked forward to and that has always helped me. I was sooooo unbelievably happy when people said it was the best youth conference theyd ever been to, that it strengthened their testimonies, that theyd made new friends, or even that it was just fun. Operation Youth Conference: VICTORIOUS!! hahaha

Here are some pictures: I took like none. I was so bust running around everywhere.

Kallie, Caressa, Kevin, Me, Gabby, And Shez at the Camp of Israel! haha

At one of the dances.

After the Testimony meeting. Mikey, Me, Gabby, and Kevin

1 comment:

sanaejames photography said...

glad you had fun Tiff! Sounds like you are quite the planner...maybe you can plan our girls'birthday parties...hahaha....