So I'm not really much of a Twilight fan but I somehow found myself at the midnight premiere of New Moon with ten twilight obsessed girls and 6 guys who really had no idea why there were there either. The movie was alright. haha kinda lame except for that hot indian kid and his body. There were some intense fans there I felt bad for them and their pathetic lives. hahahaha jk taht was mean.
There were alot more men at the premiere than I expected. I categorized them into four groups: 1. Men who had been dragged by their girlfriends.
2. Guys who had been dragged by their friends who had been dragged by their girlfriends so they wouldnt be the only ones not screaming.
3. Gay men.
4. Guys who were trying to pick up chicks.
Hilarious SNL clip:
All the ones on youtube keep getting taken down for copyright infringement. hahah so here it is on hulu.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving was exuberantly traditional at the James house this year. I pressure washed the house, risking my life atop the scaffolding. haha We were hungry so I put on some surfah slippers to appear decent for Thanksgiving lunch. We took a drive down to McDonalds and got a burger and some large fires. We worked some more and after I watched TV. Thanksgiving dinner was chili and rice. hahahah yeahhhh i liked it anyway.
Saturday, November 21, 2009

I wrote and illustrated him a story which basically threatned him to come to me. hahahah I had my friend josh deliver it to his classroom. which probably embarassed him to death. haha Anyways he said yes so we went tp sadies. and it was a lame becasue they played crappy songs. haahaha oh well i tried to participate in a school activity.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Giving Blood for the First Time
There was a blood drive at school on Tuesday so I signed up to donate when i heard about it a few weeks before. I was sort of nervous to give blood becasue one of my friends fainted last year. hahah So I went out to that bloodmobile at my appointment time and waited outside until I was called in. I was interviewed and they asked me questions like if I had ever had sex with someone with AIDS. hahah, luckily I passed.
I was seated on a bed and next to me was my friend Nehoa. He made me super nervous becasue he almost passed out and was getting all dizzy and had to stop early. I was like ahhhh. My nurse was this super funny tita so it was cool. The needle was HUGE! hahah holy crap. I didnt look while she was putting it in but i looked after and it looked really big. I wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be. It didnt even really hurt. I was glad.
Giving blood was a cool experience. Dad always gives blood so I guess that made me want to give blood when I could too. Ive had a lot of friends who've gotten into accidents and stuff like that and they've needed blood so I'm glad people donated then and saved their lives. You never know when your going to need blood I guess.
Sunday, November 1, 2009

So Halloween was cool. The night before Halloween I worked at the Haunted Lagoon. I was dressed up as a skeleton and I just had to take pictures with people. I made little kids cry it was kind of funny but I felt bad. Dog the Bounty Hunter came. That was cool but he wasn't even all dressed up, he was wearing like normal people clothes. hahah
After that finished a few of us went to the dance. I never brought my camera cause I was all paranoid about my crap getting stolen becasue my of how my phone and money got stolen. If I get them from other people I'll post them becasue there are some funny ones I took with this guy dressed as a Teletubbie. I like BYU dances better, especially their Halloween ones cause then theyre arent any girls whose use dressing up as an excuse to be skanks. hahahah
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Why do people steal? >:(
MY PHONE GOT STOLEN. As well as all the money out of my wallet. And three other peoples wallets. ARGGGG I was working for the haunted lagoon at PCC and when me and this guy Helam got back he realized his wallet was gone, I checked my bag and my phone was gone. My wallet was still there but all the money was taken out. I guess thats the only upside to having a dirty and old wallet. Two other wallets were taken besides Helams. So basically i hope this person gets some narley karma and ther whole house gets stolen. haha but seriously. People are stupid.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Cheerfest was awesome! This was my first year doing it and it was really fun. Here is the funny thing. We got disqualified.... for three different things. hahahah So the first thing we got disqualified for was that some people in the back ripped up the underclassmen signs during the cheer. Which i admit was stupid of them. haha The second thing was that youre onyl supposed to have two people on the floor at the same time but we had like twenty when the guys came down. Third, we had too many cutdowns in our cheer so that was unsportsmanlike. Sooooo 1st place: freshman. 2nd: sophmores. 3rd Juniors. DQ'd: seniors. :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Senior Social

Another Post! I'm on a freakin roll! hahah
Yesterday was the senior social so we went so we could be in the senior class picture with our signs. My sign was outrageously amazing, so i hope its in the picture. It was really weird making my poster because i was like whoa...this is my senior poster. I never thought i'd be this old. hahah
So anyway here is a picture of me and my sign. Personally, i think its beautiful.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
School is... no comment.
My Schedule:
1: Teacher Assistant. 10th grade World History
2. Photography
3: Political Processes (aka We the People)
4: Human Physiology and Anatomy
5: AP Government
6: AP Literature
7: Yearbook
No math!!! My life is finally complete. So I'm getting straight A's now. haha I'm finally get a 4.0! It's been waiting for me.
School is pretty much a drag but im getting used to it slowly. I've gotten A's on all of my tests so far and hopefully it stays like that. I really only have three classes that require work which are my AP's and we the people. Holy shiz my human phys class is a joke. Its a general class and it's dificulty level is about a negative one thousand. It's awesome. hahaha. We the People is gonna be tough. Mililani is gaining on us. They want DC so bad. And I have to do two units instead of just one becasue our team is short a person. But were gonna take states anyway! Muahaha
1: Teacher Assistant. 10th grade World History
2. Photography
3: Political Processes (aka We the People)
4: Human Physiology and Anatomy
5: AP Government
6: AP Literature
7: Yearbook
No math!!! My life is finally complete. So I'm getting straight A's now. haha I'm finally get a 4.0! It's been waiting for me.
School is pretty much a drag but im getting used to it slowly. I've gotten A's on all of my tests so far and hopefully it stays like that. I really only have three classes that require work which are my AP's and we the people. Holy shiz my human phys class is a joke. Its a general class and it's dificulty level is about a negative one thousand. It's awesome. hahaha. We the People is gonna be tough. Mililani is gaining on us. They want DC so bad. And I have to do two units instead of just one becasue our team is short a person. But were gonna take states anyway! Muahaha
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Stake dance we owned

I feel like I need to update my blog more since you guys are in Utah and I'm here now. I think i will start blogging about more everyday kind of things. So here is a sort of not really amazing post hahah.
So pretty much some of my friends and I went to a dance and took over the place with our incredible good looks and lack of basic dancing skills. After the dance we got like 18 people into two cars, picked up a movie from clean flicks, and watched it here. It's a good thing we have a big living room or we wouldnt have a place to chill when there is a bunch of us. Our groups getting smaller, everyones going to college or their missions, noooooo, well its good thing too i guess. so double sided happy/sad face seems appropriate. haha (:(
Friday, August 7, 2009
LAST awesome day of summer!
Monday was the last day of summer! Ah! It was such a fun day but it was sad knowing it was the last day. First I went on a hike up to laie falls with my amamzing friends Steve, Karena, Levi, Max, Shez, Caressa, Gabby, Adam, Little Max, and David. Hikes are always fun for me but when youre with your good friends they are like the best things ever!
Right after the hike I went to Waimea with my friends Tree, Potter, Levi and Stefi. Me and Levi were so tired from the hike but we had a great time anyways.
I FINALLY JUMPED WAIMEA ROCK!! hahaha Levi, Potter and Tree went to jump the rock they asked me if I wanted to come but I dont like hieghts so i said no. Then Mike (oh thats Potters first name. haha I call him Potter or harry) took me up and I squeezed his hand to death while we stood on the edge. While we were standing there this little four year old girl jumped off and I was like grrrrreat. Treana was watching and she told me "Youre holding Harry Potters hand. His magic will protect you." I laughed and decided that her statement was true so we jumped together right after that. I screamed the whole way down, probably right into mikeys ear. I dont think I stopped screaming until I hit the water because I swallowed some. hahah. It was fun and terrifying at the same time, I'm glad I did it though. :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Last Day in Hawaii..Sharks cove
Sooooooo yesterday was the last day that i have in Hawaii to actually go to the beach or hangout and stuff. So we went to sharks cove and got sunburned. It was low tide in the morning so we found a big patch of sand to lay on away from the masses of sunblock lathering tourists. We stayed for a while, it was funny becasue the little island we were on kept getting smaller and smaller. Eventually we had to move, it was kinda funny. One of the guys who came, Cody, is 6'7" so we wanted to bury him in a huge hole in the sand but it was taking too long so we buried austin instead. hahah
Friday, June 5, 2009
So summer is finally here. THANK HEAVENS. I got senioritis super bad like the last month of school so it was really hard keeping my grades up but i managed. Oh! I got a C in math!!!! yeahhhh!!! hahahha so my gpa for the semester will be a 3.8. here are my grades.
Alg 2: C
Ap Lang: A
Spanish: A
Directed Studies: A
AP US History: B
Newswriting: A
Im super stoked for SOAR and going to utah to see you guys too. we will have mucho fun.
Alg 2: C
Ap Lang: A
Spanish: A
Directed Studies: A
AP US History: B
Newswriting: A
Im super stoked for SOAR and going to utah to see you guys too. we will have mucho fun.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
AP Exams
Ahhh AP exams are killing me. Well not so much the AP Lang exam but the AP US is killer.
There is just too much too remember. too many dates, too many people, treaties, court cases, acts, tariffs, wars, rebellions, political parties, battles, presidents, speeches, doctrines, amendments, controversies, bills, scandals, unions, assasinations, compromises, economic issues, protests, social programs, invasions, conventions.....too much....cant...handle...brain...overloaded...
hahahah im so dramatic. Well its tommorow. woohoo
AP Lang Im not really worried about. I got a 4 on the mock test but Palmer said she expects me to get a five since she grades harder than them...i was like great, now if i dont i will feel like i let you down. hahah oh well
There is just too much too remember. too many dates, too many people, treaties, court cases, acts, tariffs, wars, rebellions, political parties, battles, presidents, speeches, doctrines, amendments, controversies, bills, scandals, unions, assasinations, compromises, economic issues, protests, social programs, invasions, conventions.....too much....cant...handle...brain...overloaded...
hahahah im so dramatic. Well its tommorow. woohoo
AP Lang Im not really worried about. I got a 4 on the mock test but Palmer said she expects me to get a five since she grades harder than them...i was like great, now if i dont i will feel like i let you down. hahah oh well
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Literature Festival and my new favorite author Markus Zusak!

So i was sitting in school on friday and Mrs. Jackson my ninth grade teacher came into my class and tells me i should come to the Literature Festival. I was like "uhhhhhhh I'll think about it." But i didnt really wanna go with all these gay nerd kids from town so i wasnt planning on even thinking about going. haha But in my next period a few of my friends told me they were going and taht i should come too, so i decided to go.
I hadnt read any of the books yet so i picked the shortest one; it was like 60 pages. I started reading during my free period and found taht the book was a piece of crap. haha My friends gabby told me this book I am the Messenger was good so she gave it to me. I read all 400 pages yesterday. the book was so good and superrrrrr hilarious i laughed on the very first page.
The literature festival was today:saturday. We went to the workshop for the book i read. oh i need to explain. hahah so the let festival is bascailly they pay authors of books to come and talk to us and have little workshops and stuff.
Soooo we walk into Markus Zusac's room. And he is beautiful. And hilarious. And has a rugged Australian accent. And writes amazing books. And.....did i mention beautiful?
I dont know if youve ever heard of the book called The Book Thief but he wrote it and it was the newyork time #1 bestseller for a while. But he talked about it and pretty much i want to read it right now. yeah, I am the Messenger was really good but everyone said The Book Thief blows it out of the water. So i want to read it now.
I got him to sign my book and he actually wrote stuff and i thought that was really cool, and he said different stuff for us too. There was this other author and he was cocky and thought he was so amazing. i didnt like him. hahah he was like "yeah everyone is talking to me." we were like oh, really? hahah We took pictures with Markus Zuzac and we were like yes!!! he was so nice he went into his lunch time to meet everyone who wanted to meet him and sign their books and what not. here they are! plus some stalker ones as well.
oh yeah and a funny conversation that went on between a friend and I:
"holy crap, that guy is hot. he is a writer, they arent supposed to be hot."
"I dont know, he's good looking, but he looks kind of weird."
"Yeah....but like a hot kind of weird."
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I got into SOAR!
yayyyyyyyyyyyy i got into soar!!! hahah i was so happy. my mom called me while i was at a friends house telling me the letter came so i went straight home to go and open it and i was accepted. i am so happy, i was scared i wasnt going to get in. Im in the first session and it starts on june 22. Thanks andrea and mark for helping me and sanae for gettingme interested in the program too!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
ACT test trauma
So I am taking the ACT this saturday and I don't know why on earth I signed up for this weekend becasue I will have been on spring break for two weeks when I take it. hahah I'm having a good time trying to jump start my brain into actually comprehending things. I'm hoping to get just like a 25 or something for my first time. I would be satisfied with that, but anything higher would be cool too. Anything lower I guess is alright too. hahah
So my friend and I are both taking it this saturday so we've been sort of trying to study but i think actually studying time has amounted to about three minutes. hahah I think we both have ADD, him espescially. Hopefully we do alright. :D
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Con Con
Con Con was super awesome! Me and my friends Mikey, Chelsie and Keelan were in a delegation. We were Pennslyvania and our bills were about preventing teen pregnancy and preventing online child predators. hahah I like that Kahuku always has Con Con and Model UN becasue its super fun to kill peoples bills and stuff.
Like this one kids bill was about taking care of all nuclear and radioactive waste material in the entire US and when I asked him how much money it was going to take he said 4 million dollars. hahahah. Ok yeah im a jerk for asking becasue i knew he had to idea, but 4 million dollars for the entire country? seriously.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
fat kid on a roller coaster
so i took the SAT and bombed it. well i did okish but i wanted to do alot better. grrrrrr
im taking the ACT in april and then again hopefully in june if i get into SOAR. i better. hahah
i was trying to think of something cool to write about on here but my life is pretty loserful right now... bascially just school, drivers ed and math tutoring. yayyyyy
you should watch this video. its pretty frikken hilarious. its this fat kid on a rollercoaster. bahahahahhahah
im taking the ACT in april and then again hopefully in june if i get into SOAR. i better. hahah
i was trying to think of something cool to write about on here but my life is pretty loserful right now... bascially just school, drivers ed and math tutoring. yayyyyy
you should watch this video. its pretty frikken hilarious. its this fat kid on a rollercoaster. bahahahahhahah
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
SAT prep
So i took this SAT prep class. I think it was worth it. Im taking the SAT on Saturday at byu. hopefully i don't completely jack it up because that would be bad. We took a full length practice test during the class, he said it should give us a pretty good idea of what we will probabaly get. i got a 770 in Reading, 640 in Writing, and a 480 in Math.
Please see me if you would like me to share my expertise in mathematics, i would be pleased to tutor you. I also have a strict "no refunds" policy.
Its out of 2400 so my score was 1890. Except i dont know if i added that up corectly... i think its right. Hopefully i can get my writing score up because math is a lost cause already. hahahahh
Please see me if you would like me to share my expertise in mathematics, i would be pleased to tutor you. I also have a strict "no refunds" policy.
Its out of 2400 so my score was 1890. Except i dont know if i added that up corectly... i think its right. Hopefully i can get my writing score up because math is a lost cause already. hahahahh
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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